An Interview with Carly Gwin

Carly Gwin is a Norman based songwriter that makes music reflecting the emotional experience of being human and is one part of a four piece band. She will be playing a solo set at the Opolis on June 8th for the third listening room experience at the venue. This blog features two singles, “It’s All Your Fault” and “You Can Feel Sad.”

How long have you been writing music?

Over 15 years now (wow!)

What got you started?

Honestly, my first real heartbreak as an adult. 

How can people find you?

Instagram - Bandcamp - Soundcloud - Apple Music

What are you listening too lately?

I love listening to new music. This year , in particular, has had so many great album releases, especially by female artists. (Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Kacey Musgraves, Taylor, Billie!) It has been awesome to see female artists really like dominating the music scene. It is encouraging as a female artist to see this happening.  

Who is your current favorite Oklahoma act right now? 

My all-time favorite Oklahoma artists are Samantha Crain and LABRYS. I also really really love The Nghiems! So excited to play another show with them. 

What do you like about making music and what has your experience been like playing live?

Writing songs is truly therapy for me. Sometimes, I just sit down, and the song just pours out of me, and there really isn't anything else comparable to that for me. Playing live used to freak me out so much. Like such bad stage fright. But I have played a lot of shows over the year, and now I almost feel MOST comfortable on stage. 

What insight or advice would you share to younger artists trying to establish themselves in music?

Make music for YOU. Write songs that YOU want to hear. I think a lot of people when they are younger, try and sound like someone else or try to say something that they think others will think is important or cool. But I think what makes songs hit the hardest is truth and someone really being their genuine selves. 

Can you share your first impression of the Opolis or an experience you had here that you would like to share?

Oh my goodness. The Opolis is where I played my first show!! Such a special place in my heart for the Opolis. I would genuinely not be the musician I am today without Andy and Marian really taking me in and giving me great opportunities to open for bands and just really get to practice playing shows and being on stage. Will forever love love love Opolis. 

Tickets are available online and at the door. Seating limited to 40 people and tickets will be available at the door.


An Interview with Em and the Mother Superiors


An Interview with The Nghiems